Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Felt Christmas Tree Instructions - How To!

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I love my crafts and hobbies.  This year I decided I wanted a red Christmas tree decoration for a specific location in my house.  Inspired by the cone shape of the red flower ones I have seen in stores, the idea was sparked, yet, I knew I did not want it covered in flowers.

Obviously, I have a bow hobby and when I was researching how to make felt flowers the idea came to me.  The way the felt was cut for the felt bow flower would give me the desired texture I wanted for my Christmas tree, and felt is easy to work with.  Ta Da!

What you will need:

(1) 20" Styrofoam cone - found mine at Michaels Craft Store -- remember to use your coupon if you they are not on sale.  They accept them right from your iphone (how handy!)

(32) ruby red felt rectangles - you may not use all 32, but trust me, you will use at least 30!

(1) Hot Glue Gun - remember, it is hot glue.  My fingers have several marks left from battles with hot glue, so be careful!  I did use the low setting on my hot glue gun, which saved me from a couple potential burns - it just hurt a bit.

Spray Glitter (I used silver)

Clear Acrylic Stones (different sizes)

Many glue sticks - I have no idea how many I used, just kept putting them in as I went.

Sharp scissors - I have sewing scissors I only use when cutting fabric and ribbon.  They always leave me with a nice clean cut.

Time - it took me about 3 hours to make this.  This is a relatively easy project, just takes time.


Start with your cone.  Cut out a fabric circle the same size as the base and glue it to the bottom of your cone.

Next, cut a few strips of red felt and glue them around the cone, starting from the bottom.  I worked my way up from the bottom in a circular motion.

As you can see here, I already had a start when I decided to take pictures.  Now lets glue on the the felt leaves.

Each piece of felt rectangle will yield 4 squares.  Take your rectangle by one corner and fold it over to the opposite make a triangle with a little extra (a small rectangle) on bottom (see below - I did not have any more uncut red felt, so I used a brown one for demonstration).  Cut off the small rectangle and set aside -- they are great for wrapping around cone as you go up.

Unfold the triangle to get a square.  Fold the square in half and cut lengthwise.  Fold the remaining two peices in half width wise and cut - now you have four small squares.

Fold your small squares into a triangle and the cut the edge of the triangle in a wave pattern. (see below)

Next put hot glue in the center fold of the cut triangle and pinch the corner where the glue is.  Careful, the glue may back out when the triangle is pressed.   (see below)

Then put glue on the back of the triangle. (see below) 

Glue triangle onto the tree, one row at a time, each triangle fold facing the same direction. (see below)

Continue until you reach the top.  Then, taking smaller squares, cut the wave pattern on them and glue them on the top small circle with the wave side facing up so they stand up.  You will glue four of them on top, backs to each other.  You may need to put some glue in the middle of them as well, just to get them really secure.

Next, you are ready to spray on the glitter glue.  I did this outside and put mine on newspaper.

After it dried and I put it where I wanted it, I decided it needed a bit more bling to catch the light, so I glued some acrylic stones in different sizes to it.

The finished product!

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